BDphone.TK/WAP.SHBest way to earn money
Samsung secret codes
1. *#9999# Show software version.
2. *#0001# Display RS232 serial communication parametersetup.
3. *#8999*228# Displaybattery capacity and temperature / voltage.
4. *#8999*523# Adjustdisplaycontrast.
5. *#8999*636# Displaystorage capacity.
6. *#8999*778# DisplaySIM card information.
7. *#8999*324# The network checkout(engine ering model).
8. *#8999*289# Ringtone test.
9. *#8999*364# DisplayWatchdog state.
10. *#8999*427# WATCHDOG signal routesetup.
11. *#8999*842# Vibrate test.
12. *#8999*782# Showdate and alarm clock.
13. *#8999*246# Showthe memory capacity.
14. *#8999*786# The display during warning.
15. *#8999*837# Samsung hardware version.
16. *#8999*377# Software error LOG (wrong display of EEPROM).
17. *#8999*638# Show network information.
18. *#8999*9266# Display received channel number and received intensity

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